The product is cocoa butter, which is a natural moisturizer and treatment for dry, itchy skin. It is also effective for treating mouth sores, preventing stretch marks, and healing dry, sensitive skin. It is also an ingredient in DIY cosmetic recipes for the face and skin.
Nautica Refined Cocoa Butter is certified food and cosmetic grade and is a popular ingredient in 'make your own' recipes for the face and skin, such as soaps and lotions. It soaks into the skin and has very high concentrations of vitamins and emollients that are excellent for repairing burned skin and in the prevention of stretch marks.
Sizes: 500g, 1kg or 5kg.
Use daily as a moisturiser to help prevent dry, itchy skin
Effective for treating mouth sores
Helps in the prevention of stretch marks
Excellent for repairing burned skin and reducing the appearance of scars
Great for naturally healing dry, sensitive skin
Natural treatment for chapped or sunburned skin and lips
Popular ingredient in DIY cosmetic recipes for the face and skin, such as soaps and lotions
100% Natural and Pure
Very high concentrations of vitamins and emollients
Food grade
Vegan Friendly
Produced and tested cruelty free
Refined to remove any impurities